As part of the planning conditions for the works to the Square, an archaeological watching brief was required as is the case in any area where there is the possibility of historical remains.
The Market Square had been in use for around 1000 years and no investigation had ever been carried out to see what lay beneath the crumbling surface. It was found that the archaeology started just below the surface. The building works was put on hold briefly whilst the opportunity was taken to see if any remains of the original market could be found. The dig was well documented and many photos taken. It was stated by one of the team that the site was possibly unique as it is could be the last remaining Market Place in Sussex which had not been disturbed or built on.
The finds included items of small pieces of pottery, ceramic building material, fragments of clay tobacco pipes, and a small assemblage of 90 identifiable mammal bones. At present these finds are in the keeping of the Midhurst Museum.
A full account of the project including details of the found items can be found in a document entitled:
‘An Archaeological Watching Brief at the Market Square, Midhurst West Sussex’ published in April 2013’, Report No: 2013134. The Clerk to Midhurst Town Trust holds a copy for reference.